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Active citizenship

Dynamically developing activities in a variety of fields related to social change, aiming at the enhancement of intercultural understanding, social inclusion and sustainable growth

Global education

An educational perspective.

"Global Education is an educational perspective which arises from the fact that contemporary people live and interact in an increasingly globalised world. Topics like fair trade, sustainability and poverty take the center stage. The concept centers social and political interrelations and tries to rise an active awareness of structural similarity, inequality and injustice. Global Education enables learners to reach a global perspective and see circumstances and problems in a worldwide and holistic context. Students should be motivated to reflect their identity and lifestyle and assume responsibility." (Ref. Global Education Without Borders).

Intercultural learning

INTERCOM I > Intercultural Communication Input

This current programme aims to create a concise basis for the development of innovative material content and methods, curriculum research, training programmes, educational activities, pedagogical approaches, and documentation in general, which objective is to prepare, adapt and enhance both personal and professional intercultural competences (knowledge, behavior and skills) of people in the labour market and higher education students, in a multicultural environment, in order to improve their mobility and employability in the European Union, in a variety of sectors.

Gender equality

Elisa - Equality Leadership Isograms for Social Advancement

This learning and activities programme is designed and set for a broaden target group, from the civil society to policy-makers, and compile guidelines and recommendations, working towards achieving gender balance in all social, political and work activities, following the trends and policies of a ample range of bodies worldwide such as the European Institute of Gender Equality (EIGE) or the International Labour Organization (ILO) to name but a few. Gender equality is a transversal and transnational matter to be addressed as often as possible with and inclusive and efficient approach to raise awareness and to change mind-sets (stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, etc.).

Youth empowerment

GEO > Global Ecotourism Outcome

GEO is a continuing educational platform comprising a set of activities, co-designed and implemented by a consortium of relevant stkeholders, which address the need for a more inclusive and efficient acquisition of competences (behavior, knowledge and skills) for youth workers, women returning to work, migrant population, and training providers according to their position in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) value chain at European level. The programme is more specifically orientated for the sector of ecotourism, and is based on two main drivers: the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Global Education policies and recommendations.

Community engagement

Accompanying EU smart, sustainable andinclusive growth strategy

Addressing the needs of communities by implementing a collaborative and organic social change approach, which aim at tackling organizational change at all levels, considering individual development and equal opportunities, enabling organisations to engage their employees and communities to empower their citizens more effectively, at a deeper level. Providing: research-based project programming, direct-service project programming, Local Active Groups (LAG) development, advocacy, campaigning and fund raising expertise, technical support, non formal and informal learning paths, to name but a few.

Environment protection

Communities need nature to thrive

​Considering the impact our activities have on biodiversity and environment, we embrace the vision that biodiversity conservation provides substantial benefits to meet immediate communities’ needs. Biodiversity has its own economic magnitude, so conservation of biodiversity is essential. Waterpolis aims to incorporate the strategic management and conservation of natural resources currently applied into its development practices, which will result in a more sustainable approach, also allowing communities and nature to thrive.

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